//One global variable to set, use true if you want the menus to reinit when the user changes text size (recommended): resizereinit=true; menu[3] = { id:'menu3', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! bartext:'Useful Links', menupos:'right', kviewtype:'fixed', menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!! //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Menu"], //create header ["Combat Arms", "http://combatarms.nexon.net", ""], ["Nexon", "http://www.nexon.net",""], ["Clan Page", "http://combatarms.nexon.net/ClansRankings/ClanProfile.aspx?clan=UnDefiable.", ""], ["Contact Us", "https://undefiableca.forumotion.com/contact.forum", ""], ["FAQ", "https://undefiableca.forumotion.com/faq.htm", "", 1, "no"], //create two column row, requires d_colspan:2 (the default) ["Email", "https://undefiableca.forumotion.com/profile.forum?mode=email&u=1", "",1], ["External Links", "", ""], //create header ["CBL Search", "http://thecaconline.net/cbl/search.html", "_new"], ["Player Profile", "http://combatarms.nexon.net/ClansRankings/PlayerProfile.aspx", "_new"], ["Combat Arms Wiki", "http://combatarms.wikia.com/wiki/Combat_Arms_Wiki", "_new"] //no comma after last entry ]}; // REQUIRED!! do not edit or remove ////////////////////Stop Editing///////////////// /* Omni Slide Menu script - http://www.dynamicdrive.com */ make_menus();